Articles on: Mass Notification
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Quick Launch

This panel enables the selection of a predefined notification message for preview and immediate sending.
The Notifications-Quick launch screen features all notification templates stored in the system. Notification templates may be filtered by group, show only the favorites and show only the scheduled.
Notifications templates are marked as favorited by clicking on the star next to the Notification Title.

A Quick launch of a Notification can be done, as follows:

Click the Title of an already existing notification which appears in the list of your screen.

Review the: TITLE, MESSAGE/RESPONSE OPTIONS and METHOD, that will appear on your screen.

Link the specific notification dissemination with a specific EVENT

If the Notification includes TEXT VIARABLES they need to be filled in before sending it. If you proceed without completing the text variables a warning message will appear. (the text variable in the following message is the shaded grey “Location”)

If you need to change certain details such as the recipients press “edit”

Press Send

Select the linked event through the event list

Specify the text variable by clicking on the variable (eg location). At the pop-up opened, select or type your desired choice and press replace.

The following warning message appears when you proceed without completing the text variables.

When press send the following countdown window will appear. You will be allowed to cancel the notification dissemination within 30sec.

Once the Notification is successfully sent the following message appears.

Updated on: 02/11/2020