Articles on: Mass Notification
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Notification Templates

This section is used to manage notification templates.

Notification templates stored to the system are displayed as shown to the following table. Accredited users are able to create new notification templates, edit, duplicate and delete the existing ones.

To create a new Notification Template press “ADD” to open the 6 tabs Notification Templates Builder.

A. “Notifications” Tab

Enter the TITLE of the notification.

Use the DESCRIPTION field to add instructions, notes, and other information related to the Notification.

The text entered to the SUBJECT line will be displayed at the emails sent.

Write the notification MESSAGE

Use (+) icon to insert text variables to the notification template. Text variables can be inserted to the subject and the message.

Modify how the text will be displayed at the emails sent by using the text editor provided.

Add responses to the notification template by unchecking the “No response” option.

By sending the Notification, there are three possible answers (Positive, Negative, Neutral) from the Recipient. Depending on the communication mean (SMS, Voice message, email etc.) which is being used, the recipient can respond, in a manner indicated by each communication mean.

Notification templates can be written in multiple languages.
By sending the Notification each recipient receives it in his/her preferred language.

B . “ Recipients” Tab

Recipients are selected through the “Recipients” tab.

People added to the “Select Recipients” section will receive the notification,
regardless the filters below.
Filters limit the recipients based on groups, job roles, locations and tags.

C. “Delivery” Tab

Select Delivery method:

Broadcast – Broadcast sends a Notification to all chosen Recipients at once.
Callout – Delivers a Notification to all chosen Recipients but accepts a maximum number of positive responses. If selected, the Total Positive Responses should be specified. Use this method to formulate response teams.

Select Device Escalation Logic:

User Default: Notification escalates according to each recipient’s

Force Device Priority: Recipients will be contacted according to a custom defined device priority. The system expects a single positive response from the first recipient or escalation alternate that will do so. Once a positive response is received the Notification will end and any following responses from recipients will not be registered. Drag & drop the Active Devices you wish in priority order, from OFF to ON as shown in the figure below. Moreover, define alternate persons to be notified if no positive response is received from your initial group of recipients.

Define Timing Preferences:

Total Duration (hours, minutes, seconds) of the Notification. This is the time period that the Notification will stay active and the System will register responses from recipients. Recipients that will register a response after a Notification is ended is notified accordingly.
Buffer Time (hours, minutes, seconds): It specifies the amount of time (sec) to countdown before sending the notification. This value is also configurable before the dissemination of a Notification.
Cycles (Attempts per contact): It specifies the number of contact cycle attempts the system should perform for each recipient until a response is registered.
Cycle Delay (hours, minutes, seconds): It specifies the amount of time (hh:mm:sec) the system awaits before starting a new cycle of contact attempts.

Define Response Time Preferences:

It specifies the amount of time (hh:mm:sec) the system awaits to register a response before contacting next devices. Depending on the communication mean (SMS, Voice, Email) fill in the response waiting time you wish.

D. “ Attachments” Tab

Attachments can be added in order to be sent either via email. Currently PDF, PGN and JPEG format types are supported.
Select all the documents you want to upload via drag & drop or by clicking “Browse”. You can add more documents by clicking on “Add more”. Upload the documents by pressing the green button “Upload “n” files”

Select a document that has already been uploaded to the server, by clicking on* “Or select from already uploaded files”** search bar.

E. “Greeting / Ending” Tab

In the** Greeting/Ending** tab, type the greeting/ending text for each Communication mean (Email, Voice, SMS) used. The Greeting text will appear before the main Notification Message and the Ending text will appear after the main Notification Message.
You can write the Greeting/Ending text in multiple languages.

F. “Scheduler ” Tab

Press ON and pick a date and time to schedule the delivery of the notification.

The notification can be scheduled to be send more than one times by pressing the plus (+) button.
A green dot above the “schedule” tab indicates that the scheduler is turned on.

Updated on: 02/11/2020