Articles on: Mass Notification
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The Home Dashboard provides for a defined time period an overview of the device(s) through which Notifications were sent and the number of recipients. This page summarizes the overall activity of Tekmon Mass Notification.

Note that you have the option of displaying notifications for a specific time period by entering the corresponding dates in the DATEFROM and TO options.

The following figure shows an initial screen of the Home Dashboard panel.

The Home Dashboard panel display:
Communication Means –Displays the way Notifications are sent (e.g. via: Email, Mobile Voice, SMS, Landline call, Fax, Toll free).

Recipients and Devices–The total number of Contacts notified during the current minute, day, time, week, or month and the Devices with which they were sent.

Groups – The number of Groups created in the System.
Persons –The number of the current persons stored in the System.

Administrators –The number of persons with administrative rights stored in the System.

Operators –The number of persons with operative rights stored in the System.

Updated on: 02/11/2020