Articles on: Mass Notification
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By clicking the Dashboard → History option from the Main Menu, the History- Dashboard screen displays. This Dashboard provides a list of all notifications completed or terminated and a detailed overview of response statuses.
The main view of the History-Dashboard screen is shown in the figure below.

Note that you have the option of displaying notifications for a specific time period by entering the corresponding dates in the DATEFROM and TO options.
By clicking view, the history details of each notification is displayed as shown in the following 2 figures:

Apart from the notification details (Title, Subject, Message, Total Recipients, Responses, Method, Initiator, Date & Time issued), authorized users can view:
- The number and percentage of total messages delivered
- The number and percentage of total responses
- The number and percentage of responses
- Each recipient’s delivers and responses

Recipients’ delivery and response data can be exported in excel and pdf format.

Updated on: 02/11/2020