By selecting Groups, the Groups - Dashboard screen appears.

This panel displays all groups registered to the system. Authorized users can edit, rename and delete each group by using the action buttons on the right.
Search bar and filters are available for better management.
Add a new Group as follows:
While on the Group – Dashboard screen press “ADD”
Enter the Title of the Group
Select the persons consisting the group. Use the search bar and filters to better navigate among the persons.
press “Save”.

This panel displays all groups registered to the system. Authorized users can edit, rename and delete each group by using the action buttons on the right.
Search bar and filters are available for better management.
Add a new Group as follows:
While on the Group – Dashboard screen press “ADD”
Enter the Title of the Group
Select the persons consisting the group. Use the search bar and filters to better navigate among the persons.
press “Save”.
Updated on: 02/11/2020