Articles on: Remote Briefing


After you have added your team members onto your work group you can also monitor their sign in status to see if they have all been signed in successfully.

If a team member has not been signed in successfully i.e. they have not answered the questionnaire correctly when given their two chances then they will have to proceed to the PWAC desk to complete the sign in process.

On the web based app team members that have successfully complete the sign in process will have a ‘ COMPLETED ’ next to the name.

Those that have not seen successful will have a ‘ FAILED ’ and their status will change back to ‘ COMPLETED ’ only once the PWAC has signed them in.

On the mobile app team members that have successfully complete the sign in process will be circled in green.

Those that have not seen successful will be circled in red and their status will change back to green only once the PWAC has signed them in.

Updated on: 13/11/2020