Articles on: Remote Briefing


If you cannot access the remote briefing mobile app, or as a preference, you can use the web base version of the remote briefing app t sign in your team.

To access the web based remote briefing app please go to: and enter your username and password.

You will be taken to the ‘Select a briefing’ page, chose the briefing that corresponds with your shift and select it using the ‘EYE’ icon in the actions column.

Afterward you will be given two options:
Add Your Team Members: To add your team members to allow them to view the briefing. Go to Briefing: To sign yourself into the worksite

Selecting the ‘Add Your Team Members’ will bring you to your will bring you to the team page, where you can search for your team members using either their names or sentinel card number.

Once you have found your click the select box on the left of their name and click on the ‘Add All Selected’ and then click the save button at the bottom of the screen.

You will get a message pop up to confirm that your selection has been added to your team.

Updated on: 13/11/2020